Avoiding a Pet Fireworks Fiasco for Dogs & Cats

Avoiding a Pet Firework Fiasco for Dogs & Cats

6 Pet Safety Tips to help ensure that your canines and felines enjoys the 4th of July festivities as much as you do:

More pets go missing on the Fourth of July than any other time of the year. Pets and loud noises are not a winning combination. Holistic veterinarian and author, Dr. Carol Osborne, DVM has compiled a list of pet safety tips to help take some of the stress out of what is supposed to be a joyous celebration for Fido and Fluffy. 

6 Pet Safety Tips for a Fun and Fearless 4th of July Howliday:

  1. Be sure your pets have well-fitting collars with up-to-date ID tags.
  2. Don’t give in to offering your pet a plethora of BBQ treats. Keeping your canine as close to his regular diet as possible will help avoid upset stomachs, vomiting, diarrhea and unwanted trips to the Pet ER.
  3. Pet Life jackets help keep water bound canines afloat, as not all dogs are strong swimmers. Never leave your pooch alone at the beach and/or on a boat, as they can easily become overpowered by waves, tides and currents.
  4. Most dogs and cats DO NOT enjoy fireworks. Pet ears are far more sensitive to loud noises than ours. Classical music has been shown to help reduce canine anxiety. Pet thunder shirts are also an option to help comfort stressed dogs.
  5. Homeopathic pet calming remedies including Bach’s Rescue Remedy and Tranquility Blends containing the herb Skull Cap help to safely reduce stress levels for dogs and cats with no adverse effects. Both products may be applied to the inner (hairless) ears, which act as acupressure points in dogs and cats. Both may also be given by mouth.
  6. Don’t put human sunscreen on your pet. Pet sunscreen is fine for dogs and cats, but avoid zinc oxide, which is toxic to pets. DEET, a common insecticide, is also poisonous to pets and may cause neurological signs, including drooling, vomiting, diarrhea, excessive thirst and lethargy.
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