Homeopathic Remedies for Neutralize of Pet Vaccines and Reactions
To help protect your pet from deadly, contagious viral diseases, consider keeping your dog and cats’ essential vaccinations up to date. Pet Vaccines are important even for pets living “mostly” indoors. This is quite common especially with “indoor” cats. Why is my cat sneezing and suffering with runny eyes? Vets hear this often… the cat is not vaccinated yet has come down with a nasty upper respiratory infection. How can this be… As pet owners we bring the outdoors in, each time we enter and leave our homes.
Many contagious viral diseases are airborne and are easily spread by coughing and sneezing. Viral particles also become airborne and the resulting droplets land on our clothes, shoes, etc. which are other means by which these diseases can be spread.
Places where pets congregate, including Boarding kennels and dog parks as well as and grooming salons and veterinary offices are all areas where your pet’s risk of exposure to contagious diseases is far greater than when your dog or cat is isolated at home.
1. Pet Vaccines in Dogs & Cats – Dosage
Pet Vaccine reactions in dogs and cats can occur. As an Integrative veterinarian, Dr. Carol only uses vaccines that are Mercury-free and non-attenuated.
She doses pet vaccines holistically which means that the dosage is adjusted for each pet according to their age and body weight. For example, a 5-pound Chihuahua would receive a much smaller dose than a 100-pound Saint Bernard.
2. Pet Vaccines in Dogs & Cats – Multiple Vaccines at Once?
Dr. Carol believes in using minimal pet vaccinations. She avoids giving multiple vaccines at the same time and recommends titers to check your pet’s internal immunity or antibody status instead of automatically revaccinating when the shot in question expires.
Note: A titer is a blood test that documents whether an individual including dogs, cats and humans has a protective level of internal antibodies for a particular disease. Titers are available for Rabies, Distemper, Hepatitis, and Leptospirosis to name a few.
3. Pet Homeopathic Remedies for Dogs and cats
Homeopathic Remedies are available to help Neutralize Pet Vaccine Reactions: Thuja and Silica are two remedies vets often recommend. Lyssin is specific for Rabies. Possible pet vaccine reactions vary and may include:
- Convulsions: Silica, Thuja
- Anxiety: Thuja
- Eye inflammation: Thuja
- Nausea: Silica
- Diarrhea, Silica, Thuja
- Asthma: Thuja
- Cough: Thuja
Other Homeopathic Remedies for Pet Vaccine Reactions in Dogs and Cats
Rabies vaccines may be neutralized with Lyssin (also known as Hydrophobinum) or occasionally Belladonna. Belladonna may be indicated if your dog develops a fever. It is also helpful for pets exhibiting seizure activity regardless of receiving any vaccine.
Lyssin 30C (also known as Hydrophobinum) is the first remedy to consider for dogs and cats receiving a Rabies Vaccine.
Apis is a useful homeopathic remedy to help counteract allergic reactions in dogs and cats such as facial swelling.
In general: no food or water for 10 minutes before or after giving a homeopathic remedy. Never touch the homeopathic pellets with your hands as this inactivates them.
Dosage: 3-5 pellets directly into your pet’s mouth. Pellets are given every 12 – 24 hours depending on the exact situation.
4. What Pet Vaccines are Core Vaccines?
For Dogs: Vaccines for Canine Parvovirus, Distemper, Canine Hepatitis and Rabies are considered core vaccines. Rabies Vaccines are also a law in most states.
Non-core vaccines are given depending on your dog’s exposure risk. These include vaccines against Kennel Cough [Bordetella bronchioseptica], Lyme Disease [Borrelia burgdorferi] and Leptospirosis.
For Cats: Vaccines for panleukopenia (feline distemper), feline calicivirus, feline herpesvirus type I (rhinotracheitis) and rabies are considered core vaccines.
Non-core vaccines are given depending on your cat’s lifestyle; these include vaccines for Feline Leukemia, Bordetella, Chlamydia felis and Feline Immunodeficiency Virus.
WebMD has a guide for all Core and Non-Core Vaccines for Dogs and Cats.
5. Pet Vaccines Boosters – Titers?
For those who are trying to avoid constant boosters. Called titers, titer tests are laboratory blood tests that check for certain antibodies in a pet’s bloodstream.
Testing involves drawing blood from the pet and sending it to a lab and is often used to check for immunity to a certain virus.
6. Pet Vaccines – State Laws
Each state has its own laws governing the frequency of administration of your pets Rabies vaccine. State laws vary with revaccination requirements ranging from every 1 to 3 years.
In most states, proof of Rabies vaccination is mandatory. Make sure you check your state body to understand your state requirements.
7. Understanding Pet Vaccines
Vaccines help prepare your pets body’s immune system to ward off infectious diseases primarily vital in nature.
When the vaccine is introduced to the body, the immune system is triggered to mount a “memory response.” If and when your pet is exposed to the disease agent in question, the goal is that your dog or cat either won’t become ill at all or should illness ensue it will not be fatal.
Vaccines are very important to managing the health of your pet. That said, not every pet needs to be vaccinated against every disease.
It is very important to discuss with your veterinarian a vaccination protocol that’s right for your pet. Factors that should be examined include age, medical history, environment, travel habits and lifestyle.
Most vets highly recommend administering core vaccines to healthy pets.
8. Pet Vaccines – Talk to your Vet
It is important to talk to your Vet about your Pets Vaccine requirements. Vaccines should be planned in advance and your pet should always be prepared and healthy in advance of the vaccine day.
Make sure you note anything you are required to do the day before and the morning of your pet’s vaccination.
9. Pet Vaccines – How long before they are protected?
It is also important to keep in mind that vaccinations take a few days to a few weeks to become effective. Each vaccine has a different timeline, so talk to your vet about this.
10. Risks Associated with Pet Vaccines
Immunizations stimulate your pets immune system in order to create protection from specific infectious diseases. This stimulation can create mild symptoms, ranging from soreness at the injection site to fever and allergic reactions.
Dr. Carol Osborne is an author and world-renowned integrative veterinarian of twenty-plus years. After graduating from the Ohio State College of Veterinary Medicine, Dr. Carol completed a prestigious internship at the Columbus Zoo. Shortly afterward, she launched a very successful private practice and became the founder and director of the non-profit organization, the American Pet Institute. Dr. Carol offers traditional veterinary care for dogs and cats with a softer, natural touch. Her approach highlights the importance of nutrition and utilizing holistic avenues in combination with traditional treatments. Currently, she offers holistic therapies and traditional veterinary medical care for dogs and cats with dementia at the Chagrin Falls Pet Clinic in Chagrin Falls, Ohio. Call our Office Today at (866) 372-2765 or complete this Form to Email our Office.