Category: General Health

Pet Wintertime Safety Tips

Pet Wintertime Safety Tips

During these chilly, winter months, it can be challenging to keep our dogs and cats healthy and happy. The cold weather often brings a slew of potential problems to avoid when it comes to keeping Fido and Fluffy out of trouble. Dr. Carol Osborne, DVM offers a few essentials to get your furry friend through these frigid months without a trip to the vet’s office.

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Pet Wintertime Hazards and Safety Tips for Dogs and Cats

Thanksgiving Holiday – Turkey Time Pet Safety Tips for Dogs and Cats

For most of us the holidays are a time to eat, drink and be merry with good friends and family. Our resident pet expert, the holistic veterinarian and author, Dr. Carol Osborne, DVM, offers pet lovers tips to refresh your pet IQ and offers some helpful hints so this Thanksgiving Holiday is joyous for you and your family as it is for your canine and feline companions.

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10 Things You Must Know before Using Essential Oils on Your Dog

10 Things You Must Know before Using Essential Oils on Your Dog

Humans have been using essentials oils for thousands of years to treat a myriad of health issues. But can essential oils penetrate fur or be safe for pets to ingest or inhale? Essential oils aren’t just pleasantly aromatic oils that freshen rooms. They can help calm anxiety, relieve flu symptoms and help the body return to homeostasis. Humans aren’t the only species to reap the benefits of essential oils.

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Cat Fleas: How to Get Rid of Them

Cat Fleas: How to Get Rid of Them

Poor kitty— those nasty fleas are making him miserable, and he’s itching and scratching like crazy. Here’s how to help your feline start purring again. We’re not trying to say, “I told you so,” but Brendan Russi, DVM, of Banfield Pet Hospital in Vancouver, Washington, can’t stress enough how year-round flea prevention is far more preferable to flea treatment for cats.

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